
Welcome to the Alpha Beta Gamer YouTube Community page!  We’d like to give a special thank you to every YouTuber who has ever played a game they found through Alpha Beta Gamer.  Not only does it help spread the word about our little site, but it’s a fantastic way for devs to get feedback – when it comes to playtesting, nothing beats being able to watch people play your game!




Squeezie is a YouTuber from France who regularly features games we cover on ABG.  We’re hugely thankful for his support, he’s a great guy who makes awesome and very entertaining videos.


Awesome guy from Spain who covers lots of cool indies.  We don’t speak Spanish very well at ABG, but are massively grateful for iTownGameplay’s support!


Jacksepticeye really does need no introduction.  He’s one of the worlds biggest YouTubers and we’re hugely thankful for his support!


Foehammer is a great up and coming YouTuber who regularly covers and provides great insights into games featured on ABG.  Well worth checking out!

Jupiter Hadley

Jupiter Hadley plays all the GameJam games, and we really do mean ALL.  One of the busiest YouTubers we know, and she even manages to find time to write articles for us at ABG!



Paragon Hex – A fun Let’s Player who cover lots of great Indies

Indiecantations – gameplays of indie gems you shouldn’t miss!

Randomise User – A great guy who regularly plays games we’ve featured on ABG

MavAttack – A Great Let’s Player who covers a wide variety of cool games AAA and Indies

Polmanzan – A great Spanish YouTuber who regularly features GameJam games and Indies

xGDOG – A fun YouTuber from England, regularly covers indies and games in development

The Killer Bits – Funny videos on indies and games in development

Oedipal – A fun Twitcher & YouTuber who covers lots of the games we feature on ABG

BeatDaBest – Often covers games we feature on ABG and big fan of First Person Shooters

AlChestBreach – A collective of YouTubers who make some very funny videos

JNR SNR Gaming – Charming father son duo who make some great videos, regularly covering games we feature on Alpha Beta Gamer

Nicox GamersTV – A great new Youtuber from France. Regularly covers ABG games.

Dieonik – Explores worlds strange and familiar using video games, humor, logic and phobias


Apologies if we’ve overlooked anyone (we probably have), the only way we can find these vids is by searching for in YouTube and there are over a thousand vids to go through!  If you regularly feature games we cover on ABG and we’ve missed you off the list, just leave a comment below and we’ll get you added.  :)

6 thoughts on “ABG YouTube Community”

  1. Hello! Just wanted to drop a comment here to let you guys know I’ve covered a handful of games found on here so far and have a whole list of others from here that I am playing in the future :D

    So far I’ve played One Final Breath, Yandere Simulator, and Death Tractor. There are a bunch more I have bookmarked from this website and hope to start recording in the next week since they look so good.

    Do you suggest we put your website in the search tags from now when uploading a video?

    Thanks for looking if you get a moment! :)

    • Hi! Glad you like the games we’ve covered! At the moment ‘the latest Let’s Play’s” section is automated. It searches for links in the video descriptions and displays them on the page. These links may have to be above the fold on the description (not too sure about this though – maybe it’ll work below the fold).

      Hope this helps! :)

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